The tale of a French philosopher who got right up the nose of the greenies is at… and following this we have a take on the noble Donna Laframbois, the Canadian kicker of all things IPCC, mercilessly bringing them to task over the last few years and writing a best seller on the shenanigans behind the scenes. Basically, she has found that IPCC is not a scientific forum on climate and future trends – it is dominated by environmentalists and non-scientists with a green agenda – see…
See also the blog of Lucia Liljegren, Lucia's Blackboard, at… -didnt-bark-in-the-night/ which is a reference to a coule of lines by Arthur Conan Doyle on Sherlock Holmes – but climate sensitivity is the real issue. Fionally, windmills and how the Guardian cocked it up by not understanding the good professor, and all that – go to, for example,