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How did the Bang get into the Big One?

20 December 2012

At http://phys.org/print274954301.html … we learn University of Chicago researchers (Nov 2012) in a paper in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, say there is no evidence of an exploding star that might have kick-started the Big Bang version of the origin of our universe. Fred Hoyle might have coined the term, a jest perhaps, but it was a phrase rapidly adopted by mainstream and is well established as consensus science opinion. However, some assumptions may lie at the root of this study which used images supplied by NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope, namely, infant stars are thought to glow reddish pink, and various other points not subject to critical thought. The study found the radioactive isotope iron 60, purportedly a tell-tale sign of an exploding star, was low in abundance when looking back at the region of the sky thought to have appeared in the aftermath of the Big Bang event. In addition, the study involved testing meteorite samples for iron 60, assuming a great age. So, instead of an exploding star they suggest one shed its gaseous outer layers – and hung onto the iron 60. Well, lateral thinking, perhaps – but see also www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2012/12/did-the-explosion-of-a-massive-ali…

Meanwhile, at http://phys.org/print274971971.html … sources an observation made by astronomers at the University of Southampton and published in the Astrophysical Journal, December 2012, which also included astronomers from Taiwan, South Africa, Poland, Australia and Italy. They found that bright X-ray flares in nearby galaxies, assumed to be evidence of the existence of black holes, can also be produced by white dwarfs – so do X-ray flares have anything to with the monsters in deep space? In the Electric Universe theory X-ray flares are driven by electric currents, a completely different perspective from mainstream. In mainstream white dwarfs are thought to be the burnt out embers of former suns and the idea they could produce powerful X-ray flashes was somewhat of a surprise. However, the explanation of why is somewhat ingenious. Material collected on the surface of the white dwarf, emitted by a powerful nearby sun like body, is thought to somehow undergo runaway thermonuclear burning that we can see on Earth as a nova explosion and subsequent X-ray flash. We may note the explanation only has legs if X-ray flares from White Dwarfs are rare. If not, and they prove to be common, once astronomers start looking for them, the explanation is as weak as my sister's tea.

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