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Books to Read

17 May 2013

The first one is recommended by a recent Thunderbolts newsflash, The Fourth Phase of Water: beyond solid, liquid and vapor, by Gerald Pollack (2013). It can be purchased through Thunderbolts or from Amazon, via the seller, Ebner and Sons Publishing. The subject has implications in space, the universe, and the production of energy – see a preview of his ideas at www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nGCMQ8T3_g and see also www.ebnerandsons.com for further information on the book. Basically, he claims the fourth state of water is a gel like form – see a not so friendly review of his ideas at www.nielshoven.com/2008/01/31/gerald-pollacks-water-theories/ and a much better review of his earlier book can be found at www.nature.com/modpathol/journal/v14/n9/full/3880404a.html. A rather more interesting and fuller overview can be found at www.waterjournal.org/uploads/vol2/supplement/WATER-vol2-Suppl.pdf and is worth reading through at your leasure. His other books include Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life (ISBN-10 0962689521), Electromagnetism, G Pollack and Daniel Stump (2001), Water and the Cell, G Pollack and IL Cameron and DN Wheatley (2006) and Phase Transitions in Cell Biology, G Pollack and Wei-Chun Chin (2008), as well as others. For more information on Pollack see also http://larouchepac.com/node/19500 'A Convergency of Dissident Scientists', which must be attractive reading if nothing else. The project began in 2006 as a core team loosely associated with ideas in Kepler's New Astronomy and the study of the LaRouche-Rieman Science of Physical Economics – and appears to have some kind of political objective peculiar to America.  There is a forum on the site which, if you  have the time, is worth browsing, and the site appears to not just have Gerald Pollack, The Secret Life of Water but sections on Wal Thornhill, Stars in an Electric Universe, and David Talbot, The Electric Sun, as well as Neil Adams, Growing Earth – Subduction: the extent and duration (the expanding earth theory). Therefore a series of hypothesis contrary to mainstream and somewhat sidelined in popular fodder.

The next author, Donald Patten, came about after the post on 12th May, Uncertainty in Geology, concerning the fold and thrust belt, and the formation of the Iranian plateau. SIS member William Thompson sent in some information on mountain formation around the world as visualised by geographer and author Donald Patten. He theorised that mountain chains could have been pulled up out of the crust by an astral visitor. His preference was the planet Mars but obviously a space rock of any kind is an alternative possibility. Patten made use of some interesting maps created by Canadian geophysicist and geologist, John Tuzo Wilson, and I must hasten to add Wilson is regarded as one of the pioneers of the Plate Tectonics Theory and suggested volcanic hot spots were responsible for the Hawaiin islands for example, a novel idea at the time. Patten used the maps to show the hypothetical orbit of Mars across the face of the Earth, marked by mountain building – on a multitude of occasions (and not just one event). The maps can be found in The Earth as a Planet, edited by Gerald Kuiper, University of Chicago Press/ Cambridge University Press (1954) where the article by Tuzo Wilson can be found – see specifically pages 153-8. Patten's book, The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch: a study in scientific history, Pacific Meridian Pub. Co. of Seattle and chapter V is the relevant section, Orogenesis: the cause of global mountain uplifts, page 65. However, see also www.creationism.org/patten/ where there is quite a lot of information on Donald Patten and his hypothesis. See also www.catastrophism.com the web site of SIS member Ian Tresman. Press the link, Browse CD, and then click on the author index and run down to Donald Patten where you will three articles by him.

More information on Tuzo Wilson – see http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/Wilson.html and https://www.e-education.psu.edu/earth520/content/12_p7.html … in which his contribution to the development of the Plate Tectonics theory in the 1960s and 1970s is described. His work firstly involved the 'hot spots' in the mantle and secondly, a third kind of plate boundary – transform faults. One example of this is the San Andreas fault zone. Transform faults offset the crust horizontally, without creating or destroying crust. Wilson was in his 50s when he made his contributions to Plate Tectonics. What did he think prior to that – and why was he interested in transform faulting? It appears to be quite different from the subduction faulting general to Plate Tectonics.

Tuzo Wilson also wrote a book with the title The North West Passage, in the 1950s. The quest for a route through the Arctic Ocean between Russia and Canada came about as the first warming episode in the 20th century had drawn to a close at that time and the Earth had begun a cooling phase. The situation was very much like today and even Arctic sea ice had declined (you only have to read HH Lamb to realise this). It might be worth digging into this book and see what he says.

Note … an interview with Gerald Pollack can be read at http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/01/29/dr-pollack… and says that his radical views came about as he was doing research on muscles and how they contract. It struck him as odd that the most common ideas about muscle contraction do not involve water, despite muscle tissue consisting of 99 per cent water molecules. He then became interested in water and how it might affect cells and life itself. His claim is that consensus views ignore the presence of water in organs, muscle and tissues – which must mean current ideas on how cells work are erroneous in some way. He says, if you think of the cell as a matrix of proteins, like a grid made up of proteins and nucleic acids. The spaces in between those grids are filled with water. This means there are a ot of surfaces interacting with water and must impact its structures. Cells actually mainly consist of this interfacial water. This is not a new idea he says, as the Chinese-American Gilbert Ling wrote several books on the central importance of water in the cell. He then adds, in your cells are multiple batteries with plus and minus charges – but how are they charged? The charge comes from incident radiant energy, he says, light, heat, ultraviolet. All of these absorbed energies separate the charge. In a nutshel, the water in each cell achieves its ordered structure from energy obtained from the environment, typically in the form of electromagnetic radiation ( which includes sunlight and infrared heat).

Note … link to www.e-education.psu.edu/earth520/ works but the full link may have problems. A pity but there are plenty of other sites on the net to find out about Tuzo Wilson and his Plate Tetonics input. The most obvious place is en/wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Tuzo_Wilson and at www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/644706/J-Tuzo-Wilson … we have several of his books listed whilst there is an obituary at www.royalsoced.org.uk/cms/files/fellows/obits-alpha/wilson_john.pdf

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