This is a bit of a slapstick posting by Tim Cullen at … but sometimes funny haha can be close to the knuckle. He looks disparagingly at standard geology and various things geological such as the Ice Ages, interglacials, morainnes and drumlins – and periglacial lakes (formed by ice dams during the retreat of melting glaciers). Is it all its is cracked up to be – or a bit of a craich? Have the facts been manipulated to fit the uniformitarian model, a sort of mumbo jumbo rearrangement of reality – or is the story essentially on the right track and is this all wishful thinking. Tim Cullen clearly is not impressed by the Ice Ages and its related spin-off tales and stories – simply filler, like that sticky white stuff, to bind together the uniformitarian geochronological timescales, wasting time and eons (and etching the sketch of deep time).
Having fun with geologists
21 July 2013Inside science