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Fossilised Tree used in megalithic tomb

9 December 2013

Bryn celli Dhu on Anglesey, is a prehistoric mound situated in the middle of a farm field, suitably fenced off from livestock and with a couple of footpaths from the main road allowing visitors an easy route to the monument. What was described in archaeology literature as a carved stone has turned out to be a fossilised tree trunk – with the bark and broken top of the tree clearly visible. Gary Gilligan sent in the link to a you tube video – go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IubRw2ko69U and be prepared to be surprised. The video author thinks there is evidence the tree trunk has marks he attributes to human activity. So, how can a tree be fossilised in such a short time?

Intriguing as that sounds, and bearing in mind that visitors are free to get inside the monument and have a look for themselves, it is remarkable that nobody has noticed this before. Why would archaeologists and hippy New Agers fond of fiddling around at Bryn celli dhu have missed something as obvious as fossilised tree bark? I must admit that when I visited some years ago we took some pictures from outside but never ventured inside and I suppose it must be the same for most people. Mind you, if you have young kids with you they are sure to want to squeeze through the entrance stones and have a peep. See also www.standingwithstones.net where you can see more stone monuments on video.

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