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Guildford Fire Station

19 January 2014

On the chalk and in a river valley. At www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-surrey-25720131 … when Guildford fire station was been pulled down Stone Age tools were found dating back to 14,000 years ago – prior to the Younger Dryas event. Oxford Archaeology has them and we will have to wait a few months for the archaeological report – but they are normally prompt about these things.

Meanwhile, at www.irishcentral.com/news/irelands-storms-unearths-6000-year-old-dwellin… … we learn that recent storms, in January, have exposed evidence of life from the Neolithic period, in the 4th millennium BC, on Omey Island in Connemara. Large linear deposits up to 1m thick have been uncovered on the western and northern shoreline of the tidal island that sits off Cloddaghduff. Not all of it is Neolithic, which is apparent at www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/storms-expose-archaeology-on-… … medieval burial sites as well as traces of sunken dwellings and remnants of a Neolithic period bog have been found

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