Here's one for the kiddies – and the twinkle in the eyes. Chinese researchers have come across a cache of hundreds of pterosaur eggs – flying reptiles with wing spans up to 12m across. It seems they lived in colonies – much like some modern birds. Rooks spring to mind, and budgerigars in Australia. See….
Xiaolin Wang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences says three of the eggs are 3 dimensional. The nesting site is beyond the Tien Shan in Xinjiang and the area it thought to harbour multitudes of bones. Wang says that sediments there indicate the pterosaur colony was wiped out during a storm – in early Cretaceous.
Somewhat later, near the close of the Cretaceous, in the last times of the dinosaur days, researchers in Saskatchewan in Canada have found evidence of landscape fires – and they claim they have also found evidence of regrowth following the forest fire. The reason is that they assume geochronology is an actual record over time – and is a series of layers (just like in an archaeological dig). Hence, a layer of sediment didn't get laid down quickly – but over a long period of time. I'm not suggesting all sediments are laid down over a short time span as it is obvious that layering does occur – and this can be divided over time. For example, the chalk is easily divisible into a number of deposition events. I am simply drawing attention to how the uniformitarian mind works. In effect, various plants were found in the sediments – some show sign of burning and others do not. It is assumed the latter display evidence of regrowth. However, why would plants growing normally be preserved in a sedimentary deposit. What, in effect, the rocks are telling us is that an event involving a landscape fire left behind charcoal mixed with forest vegetation (trees) which was then swamped by sediment which contained plants that were not burnt (brought down from elsewhere).
The story is at… …. where the researchers divide the plants into those showing evidence of burning (mainly trees such as sequoia and gingko) and those not displaying evidence of burning (such as alder, which grows in a wet environment). The burning question is – why would a forest fire and the regrowth of the forest be preserved in mud and silt?