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A problem with dwarf galaxies

12 June 2014

At http://phys.org/print321643387.html … we are told the cosmologists may have certain astronomical ideas wrong – and they require adjusting. In other words, the whole kaboosh is not up the creek – just one of the paddles that is treading water. According to the consensus theory material stripped from galaxies during a collision with another smaller galaxy forms a long tail of debris. However, the reality of dwarf galaxies at the edge of the Milky Way and Andromeda appear to contradict the way theory dictates what takes place. It is claimed that attempts to pigeon hole them into the consensus model are flawed – in a paper in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (see http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1799).

The consensus model contains ingredients such as dark matter and dark energy which were injected because the model wasn't consistent with observation. Benoit Famaey of the University of Strasbourg is one of several astrophysicists who think the standard model fails to replicate what is being seen in telescopes – and alternative theories are required. The authors of the paper go on to suggested satellite dwarf galaxies are the ruslt of collisions – where material is ripped out and thrown a great distance, eventually coalescing into dwarf galaxies – and do not form long tails of material. Part of the argument invokes dark matter – which is taken up at http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2014/06/12/professor-we-do-not-seem-to-ha… … which raises some interesting comments. On makes the interesting observation that 'science doesn't baulk at challenges to its paradigms. The cosy consensus of scientific institutions baulks at challenges to its paradigms …' and another says, 'modified gravity is fudge …' and 'oh dear what can the matter be, things just go a lot worse '''. Another commenter says, 'when reality is not matched by theory start over with a new theory. Fundamental assumptions in astrophysics are incorrect. Time to discard them and start again@.

At http://phys.org/print321707358.html … is all about huge explosions taking place but hidden by cosmic dust – gamma ray bursts. The paper will appear in the journal Nature on June 12th, and says gamma ray bursts are intense outpourings of high energy as seen in distant galaxies as a burst of light. Astronomers have notice these do not always conform to consensus theory. Some gamma ray bursts have no afterglow.

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