At … begins by noting a lurid headline from the Daily Express concerning a weather forecast made by Piers Corbyn. Apparently, he has said we are in for a heat wave in August. The jet stream is to blame – see also – and do read the comments at Tall Blokes talk shop. For example, Clive Best directs us to his blog at … where it is claimed atmospherics tweak the jet stream. However, none of the mainstream weather people are predicting a heatwave – has Piers made a prediction too far?
PS I'm not sure if this claim is true as he also predicted a heatwave in June (and the weather has turned hot and humid) and possibly not such good weather in August (PS is from end of May). I don't buy his forecasts so I can't say)
At… … where it seems lunar tides may have affected the Great Storm of 1703. Meanwhile, at August 4th there is a big sun spot lined up and facing the Earth. Mostly, people commenting are a trifle sceptical of the Corbyn forecast – but time will tell. It is accepted, however, that lunar tides influence the jet stream and this is all part of Corbyn's prediction methodology (both solar and lunar). Bob Weber is adamant that Corbyn is often right. He makes the point that from August 8th the Moon will be heading north until the 20th – 'and it will bring warm humid tropical air with it, no matter what the Sun is doing …' and 'the Moon's influence through tidal action on the northern hemisphere atmospheric temperature will, by August 20th, exactly compliment the Sun's less active face. The fact that it is a super moon this month will intensify such tidal effects. The Moon's atmospheric tides act as a mixer of warm tropical air and cold polar air by jet stream movements …'.
Clive Best (see link above) claims gravitational tides influence the flow of the polar jet stream and can therefore change the weather patterns at high latitudes. This coming super moon will be the third one this year, 2014. Meanders in the jet stream caused cold weather in NE America and the UK became the target for transatlantic storms. In another post at … he has a post on the Moon and how it affects the jet stream. Roberto Malrigadi, an Italian meteorologist, said varying tidal forces during the lunar cycles change the position of the meanders (or Rosby Waves) in the polar jet stream. He has also written a book on the subject.
Another factor to bear in mind is the speed of the jet stream – it is not consistent and can double the rate of knots.