In Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth Stephen Hurrell (One Off Publishing) claims he was intrigued by the fact that dinosaurs were often massive – but so too were other forms of life such as dragonflies and various plants such as giant horsetails and club mosses the size of trees. A geologist, sceptical of the claims, checked out surface gravity during the Permian era and found it was 50 per cent what it is today. According to Hurrell this mans the Earth was smaller in the dinosaur era (which came later) and he decided the Earth must have expanded. At that point he discovered a lot of other people had come to the same conclusion – but for different reasons. However, Hurrell's theory is tempered by an inclination to stick to uniformitarianism and various other consensus ideas – and his ideas are not the same as other Expanding Earth theorists. He resorts to saying GPS data has been fiddled in order to comply with the mainstream view of a constant sized Earth. This appears to be a real weakness in his argument – he assumes the Earth is expanding all the time rather than intermittently, during catastrophic events.
One obvious problem with this idea is that large mammals existed fairly recently, during the Late Pleistocene. Large elephants (mammoth and mastodon), large cats, super sized bears, you name it and there was a larger version than Holocene animals – even a giant sloth. Mind you, sea levels did rise at the start of the Holocene – where did all the water come from? That comment would suppose the poles remained stationary and the ice sheet was far smaller than envisaged by the consensus theory.