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weibel filamentation instabilities

26 January 2015

At http://phys.org/print341136762.html … cosmic magnetic fields is the subject here and something called 'Weibel filamentation instabilities' – a plasma instability present in homogenous, or nearly homogenous. electromagnetic plasmas. It has attracted a fair amount of theoretical interest from plasma physicists and this news release follows the publication of a paper in Nature Physics published in January (2015). Laboratory produced weibels appear to conform to the hypothesis of magnetic field origins and growth.

The laboratory is also being used to re-create models of planet formation and of superearths etc. Go to http://phys.org/print341154579.html … where the experiments are described in a loose fashion.

At http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2015/01/23/another-wrinkle-in-planetary-i… … a post which was sparked by an article at http://m.space.com/28319-asteroid-magnetic-fields-earth-core.html … and is about magnetic fields of large asteroids 'and other cosmic bodies' which appear to be generated by the same process that drives Earth's global magnetic activity. The comments are also interesting – did the Sun eject solar system material in one hot rush at the beginning or has the Sun periodically continued to eject large amounts of material that end up as cosmic objects in the solar system.

At http://phys.org/print341043909.html …. magnetic fields, according to a paper in the Astrophysical Journal 799 (2015), in massive dark clouds, are strong enough to support them against collapses due to their own gravity. High magnetication, they say, sets the stage for the formation of stars.

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