Yes, shortly after Big Bang, a mere 900 million miles away, a huge quasar formed – with a central supermassive black hold for company – go to
The paper, in Nature (Feb 26th 2015) journal, involved what is described as an international team – led by Chinese astronomers from Peking University and aided and abetted by scientists from the University of Arizona. The huge quasar formed 900 million years after Big Bang (a calculation), some 13.7 billion years ago (again an estimate). Quasars beam vast amounts of energy across space – but the paradox is that the black hole at its centre is supposed to be sucking in matter from its surroundings. Is this contradictory?
Astronomers have discovered, with recent technological advances in digital sky surveys, more than 200,000 quasars (in recent years). The one above, SDSS J0100+2802, is the most massive one yet and the has the highest luminosity of all distant quasars. Is that telling us something?
The quasar was first discovered in a relatively small telescope in Yunnan in China. Chinese astronomers have centuries of experience in watching the sky and possess a vast data base on cosmic phenomena seen in the past.