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fingers in the ears

28 April 2015

Meanwhile, we had comets and meteor dust in AD536 – and now we have a catastrophic end to the Late Bronze Age. The article is published in the Daily Mail and was forwarded courtesy of Gary Gilligan – go to www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3038573/Bronze-Age-civilisations… … and the point is this is nothing new and SIS has been banging on about it for years – but mainstream has its fingers in its ears.

Historian Eric Cline of George Washington University says a series of disasters at the end of the LB age led to the downfall of ancient societies – and set in motion the so called Dark Age (known mainly from Egypt's neighbours). He has written a book, '1177BC: the year civilisations collapsed' – which will  be worth catastrophists taking a look at rather than taking a peak at the press releases. The 1177BC date must be based on mainstream chronology as it differs markedly from Mike Baillie's major narrow growth tree ring event at 1159-41BC (an 18 year dimming of the Sun). Note how this dates fits in snugly with the final 20 years of dynasty 19 in Egypt, following a disaster of some time in the late reign of Merenptah. The opaque sky must have come to an end by the mid reign of Ramses III as the Papyrus Harris says Egypt was verdant and green – and nature, we may conclude, had returned to normality. It deteriorated later in the dynasty 20 period where famine and droughts over a period of 20 to 30 years set in (and possibly longer) in tandem with incursions of migrants and refugees from all directions. The fertility of the Nile Valley and the Delta environs was the magnet. In essence, the spread of setbacks conforms to Eric Cline's series of disasters – and disasters they were. Egypt does not become territorially assertive again until the dynasty 22 pharaoh Shoshenk I. Mainstream places him in late 10th century, identifying him with Shishak of the Biblical narrative. This synchronism is a relic of a time when archaeologists went forth with a Bible in one hand and a trowel in the other – and it is something of an anachronism that it is still a major plank of secular archaeology. They will not let go of it – as it is the only real link between Iron Age Egypt and the Israelite monarchy period. Revisionists speculate on dating Shoshenk I in early 9th or late 9th century – or even in the 8th century. The problem is exacerbated in that by placing Shoshenk in mid 10th century they opened up a dark age in the Levant, Anatolia, and the Aegean – where no archaeology exists and the time is filled with shifting pottery horizons around to compensate for this.

Eric Cline therefore has an interesting palette with which to write his story – and we may bear in mind what could have been added if he did not kowtow to orthodox chronology. He addresses the droughts and famines, climate change (a cooling as a result of an opaque sky), and adds in earthquakes – which were a frequent part of the period (but you will need to read the book to discover what he may think of the Claude Schaeffer idea of earthquake storms). On top of this there were invasions and major migration events, as well as the idea of internal rebellions, and says all these things contributed to the collapse of civilisation at the end of the LB age. He appears to have gathered together and regurgitated in one gulp a succession of papers and theories on what caused the collapse. The press release does not mention what might have activated the unusual and frequent nature of the earthquake activity – so we may assume comets and meteors are not discussed. Many cities and settlements were destroyed across what is a tectonically active plate boundary which stretches from the Aegean to Pakistan.

Archaeologists, in the 19th century, blamed it all on the Sea Peoples, envisaging a mass invasion from somewhere in Europe – as there is evidence of newcomers from the north in the aftermath at some sites, mainly in the Balkans (and that general region). These migrants do not seem  to have been a major player, and Cline probably would agree – which is why he is willing to explore the other factors in order to account for the destruction of settlement sites of the LB age. Actual evidence of an all conquering horde has not been forthcoming. It is also recognised nowadays that the invasion he claims to have defeated in its tracks, on land in the southern Levant, was actually a group of refugees – from south east Anatolia and what is now northern Syria. They were seeking to reach territory that was nominally part of the Egyptian empire in Asia, including SW Canaan (where he allowed many of them to settle, and other points further north as far as southern Syria). 

note … don't bother reading the comments at the end of the article as they are extremely infantile.


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