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29 April 2015

At http://phys.org/print349406787.html … we learn that the recent earthquake in Nepal which badly affected Katmandu that seismological data (using sound waves which travel through the Earth following an earthquake) suggests the land on which the city stands moved ten feet in a southwards direction. The rocks on top of the fault are thought to have slid southwards over the rocks underneath. The movement was therefore what is known as a slippage event – at a plate boundary. Or an assumed plate boundary. Mount Everest was not affected geologically as it is not on the fault line (or that is the reasoning at the moment). However, there might have been a small change in the height of the mountain (and the story does not mention other nearby mountainous areas, so a lot of investigations are still to be done). Some 18 people died at Base Camp – from snow avalanches caused by the shaking of the Earth.

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