At …. is a free to download e-book (can be printed out or read online) by Alan Longhurst, a geologist rather than a climate scientist. Hence, his objections are with what climate science avoids or leaves out of the equation. He is also sore that HH Lamb has been left on the sidelines by the new class of the 1990s and 2000s when he was the main man through a large part of the 20th century. Longhurst seems to be an octogenarian and therefore that would account for him being fond of Lamb's science as opposed to the new kind of science based in large measure on models. I shall return to this e-book later but most people will enjoy it as it is aimed at ordinary people and avoids too much mathematics. Sometimes you get the impression the maths is a way of covering up the science to make it difficult for non climate scientists to understand – though thankfully there are a lot of people out there, called deniers, that do understand the maths and that is why they are sceptical of climate science. Longhurst admits that he was taken in by climate science at first and only became sceptical when he realised they were leaving out lots of science that had been done in the past – that presumably he had learnt in his own day (when he was young). In other words, climate science hit the buffers of what he believed was right in the science – which just means that what he had always accepted. Hence, he was motivated to look at it more closely – and the e-book is the result of that. It makes a nice legacy – one that will last the test of time.
doubt and certainty
20 September 2015Climate change