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Ruth Dwyer

12 October 2015

I haven't seen them all yet but there are six videos posted on YouTube by Ruth Dwyer – see for instance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0POfUod85Wk … but hat tip to Anne Marie de Grazia at www.q-mag.org/ruth-dwyer-the-comet-of-536-and-the-ravenna-mosaics/ … and since then posted by Clark Whelton.

The video is a stunning interpretation of the mosaics which appear to support the Mike Baillie scenario (books and articles) of a cosmic event involving a comet and meteors during the first half of the 6th century AD. Whereas a hypothesis can be resisted by mealy mouthed gobbledegook it is not so easy to counter the mosaics which actually picture the kind of event described so eloquently by McCafferty and Baillie in their book, 'The Celtic Gods: comets in Irish mythology'. Their reinterpretation of the Beowulf tale is especially interesting as it seems to involve a short period comet and a long period comet (but you would have to read it to understand where they are coming from).

Criticism of Ruth Dwyer, I should imagine, will focus on the mosaics themselves, apparently commissioned by none other than Justinian. The mosaic is in two contrasting parts. In the sky there is mayhem but on the surface of the earth all is bliss and plenty, a Christian dreamscape. The depiction was made for purely religious reasons and therefore the contrast must be seen as chaos (in the sky) followed by peace and tranquility (as the danger passed). Dwyer claims to see rains of meteorites, a cloud of fire and an airburst in the sky, followed by drought (parched fields) and earthquakes. We know that Justinian was involved in an attempt to reunite the western empire with the eastern empire (centred at Constantinople, modern Istanbul). His armies were fighting all through the 530s and into the 540s – so how does this square with a major catastrophe involving airburst events and a strong meteor flux? According to Laurence Dixon his army and that of his enemies were both affected by events but Justinian's army was more disciplined and was able to achieve a certain amount of success. That discipline may have involved superstition – as opposed to Christianity and its more positive approach to disasters. In spite of that the two parts of the empire were never reunited and Justinian withdrew his armies – only for plague to break out. It decimated the populations of Europe and western Asia. Ruth Dwyer has a video on the Justinian Plague and the Ravenna Mosaics.



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