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Primary Water

27 June 2016

This should perhaps be under physics but here goes with geology. The blog https://lhcrazyworld.wordpress.com/2016/06/16/moho-water/ … is the home of Louis Hissink, a geologist (but something of a maverick). He reports on a finding that was in the News a few weeks ago, waves monitored from the Mantle that appear to affect geology and long term sea levels. Seismologists identified a velocity change under the seas and under the continents known as the Mohorovicic Discontinuity. It is inferred from the different arrival times of P and S waves. The velocity differential is explained by assuming rocks above the MOHO are basaltic and those underneath are perioditic (or a mafic-ultra mafic transition).

Hissink says may be – or not. An alternative explanation is that the velocity change is due to a water saturated Mantle. This interpretation is based on the previous geophysical findings of the anticipated rocks during the drilling of the Kola Deep Hole (in Sberia) where high velcocity seismic records were interpreted as mofic rocks but on drilling wee shown to be water saturated gneisses. This was completely unexpected.

Mainstream science doesn't appear to like this interpretation, preferring the idea of re-cycled water to explain artesian water where rainfall in uplands percolates, over time, downwards into the artesian sedimentary basin. A few years ago New Scientist reported on lots of subterranean water – three times the volume of the oceans (see www.newscientist.com/article/dn25723-massive-ocean-discovered-towards-ea…

Other research suggests there is a lot of water in the zone between the Crust and the Mantle which implies even more water – http://primarywater.org … and then we have Scientific American reporting on vast amount of water inside the earth (www.aboutthesky.com/smallstorm-blog/2015/412-primary-water ) and all this seems to indicate Hissink may be on the right track (but not to say he is). How is water produced on Earth – and how did the oceans come about? One idea is that earth was bombarded by comets – and this idea was forwarded when comets were presumed to be dirty snowballs with lots of water. Most comets have proved to have a lot of rocks – together with water. They are more solid than dirty snowballs. Where else might the water come from? If the earth can disgorge primary water – or create water in outgassing events – how might this impact on geology?

Louise Hissink is clearly a fan of plasma and z-pinches as you will not in one of his comments – and in various other posts at his blog.

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