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Sky Tombs

4 July 2016

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/a-6000-year-old-te… … is archaeology with astronomy. It seems that archaeo-astronomers have been looking at megalithic tombs dating back as long ago as 4000BC and they have noticed that narrow entrance passages actually enhance what could be seen in the night sky. Their findings were reported at an astronomical convention at Nottingham Trent University in June (2016). The researchers investigated how a narrow door (opening) or an aperture in the roof might affect observations of stars and found they acted something like a telescope, bringing into focus a region of the sky they were particularly interested in observing. For example, the orientation of some megalithic tombs appears to be in the vicinity of Aldebaran (the Bull's Eye) the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus (the Bull of Heaven). To accurately time the first appearance of this star in due season it is vital to be able to detect stars during the twilight hours – and the narrow focus achieves this with remarkable precisiion.

Meanwhile, at http://phys.org/print386498164.html … a team of Dutch and Scots researchers have found that Venus nudges the orbit of Comet Halley.

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