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Human Origins Again

16 July 2016

At http://phys.org/print387794468.html … fossil finds in China challenge the Out of Africa theory of the evolution of modern humans.    The Chinese have wondered if Peking Man (dated 780,000 years ago( and Homo erectus in general, evolved into more modern humans and contributed to the gene pool of people in East Asia. This is a bit like Europeans and Neanderthals – how much of the latter is inside the former (diluted over time). Both ideas contradict the strict adherence to the politicised Out of Africa theory that mainstream is determined to keep onboard.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is massive – with lots of people looking at a variety of subjects. One of them is the Chinese alternative theory on human evolution and one  not to to dismiss lightly as as according to minority views a central Asian/southern Siberia population spread out both east and west after 40,000 years ago. Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in South Kensington is interested. He points out that Asia has been neglected (up till now) as an important part of the evolving human story. Chinese fossil skulls and bones (mostly discovered in recent decades) shows that Asia was teeming with humans that seem to show a link between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. Some years ago whn an Australian anthropologist suggested a link between Homo erectus and Aborigines he was accused of being racist – and the debate was closed down. Now the Chinese are reviving something very similar – but do not mention Aborigines although the inference is there. Springer has suggested Homo Heidelbergensis may have migrated across Asia and then spread to other continents. Chinese palaeontologists, and a few in the West, now think the various transitional Chinese fossils are evidence Homo erectus was an ancestor of modern Asian people. In this model, known as multi regionalism, or continuity with hybridisation, Homo erectus interbred with many groups (including people from SE Asia and Africa).

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