Oh Dear. Auntie has been caught telling porkies. Doom monger Roger from Auntie has been on the air waves – he even provided the words for Mr Shukman to strut on the 6.00pm news (July 20th). However, at https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/hottest-june-no… … has the real story. The dregs of the 2015/6 El Nino are coming to a close and we are still being harangued that global warming is to blame. The hottest June was back in the 1999 according to satellite data (the dregs of the 1998/9 E Nino). That is a tale by itself but the arm wavers are out to deceive – and deceive they do very well.
Over at http://phys.org/print388159158.html … we are told that 2016 climate trends continue to set records – all this while we are on the cusp of a major La Nina event kicking in right now.
See also http://phys.org/print388149921.html … NASA are monitoring Arctic sea ice (which has continued to degrade as a result of warm El Nino waters flowing up through the Atlantic. Just in time for when the cool water starts flowing next year.