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22 August 2016

At http://phys.org/print391077030.html … the signature of a supernovae has been found in deep ocean cores from the Pacific Ocean. German scientists have had their findings publishd in PNAS (August 2016) and they have dated the supernova to 2.7 million years ago at what is thought to be the boundary of the Pliocene with the Pleistocene. The interesting point they make is that supernovae material continued to rain down on the earth for 800,000 years. Is this a relic of uniformitarian dating methodology? It seems a long time for an explosive and immediate event but I suppose 800,000 years is fairly logical to a geologist working in geochronological time scales. 

The peak of the particles entering our atmosphere (and the ocean) was 2.2 million years ago. Did an increase in cosmic rays bombarding the earth affect climate as the earth entered the Ice Ages? If so, how can the mainstream teaching that Ice Ages follow a 100,000 year cycle per the Milankovitch Cycle, be true if supernovae are involved in the initial strike. Can they have their cake, with jam and cream, and also eat it?

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