At … a study of phytoplankton in the Oct 21st (2016) issue of Science claims that blooms of these small sea creatures and algae coincide with warming of the oceans. How does this affect the accumulation of chalk (blooms of coccoliths).
At … reducing ammonium pollution from cattle is the subject here – which is found in cattle manure apparently (it's what I put on my allotment, straight out of a cow shed). Cow manure has been used by countless generations of farmers to put a bit of life into their soil. It is organic and improves the soil in which crops grow. Sometimes you feel like banging your head on a wall.
At… … we are informed the oceans are a reservoir of 700 billion tons of carbon, dissolved in sea water. What do they plan to do about that?
At … climate change is affecting the growing and harvesting of tea leaves. A case is made for extended monsoon seasons in China – but only from 1980 (the onset of the warm phase of the 60 to 80 year solar cycle). Too much rain we are told impacts on tea leaf yields – and their quality (taste). The difference between leaves picked prior to the monsoon and those picked during wetter weather is being used to jack up prices of the former. The claim is used to create a supposedly superior tasting product thereby titillating a certain section of the population. A mug (of tea) is easily parted from his wallet.