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Solar System Formation

7 November 2016

Everything we know about the formation of the solar system might be wrong – according to two astronomers that discovered the first 'binary-binary' (two massive companions around a single star in a close binary sytem) – see www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161019162507.htm

In Scientific American (May, 2016) we are told astronomers had become uneasy about solar system formation as look-alike's to our own version appear appear to be rare. One might argue our telescopes aren't powerful enough to pick up planets of earth dimensions and only see the giant planets buzzing around – after all the search for exoplanets is fairly new on the block. However, the article in SA then turns its attention to Planet Nine and the odd orbits of objects in the outer solar system. 

At www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/pdf/nature19846.html … we have another twist to the origin of the Moon by a giant impact (or near miss). This, the present mainstream preferred theory must have some problems as we have had a succession of articles on the Moon recently. In this paper it is said that the mainstream theory is challenged by the Moon's unexpectedly Earth like isotopic composition. The paper chooses to show that tidal dissipation due to lunar obliquity was an important effect during the Moon's tidal evolution (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_locking). Lunar inclination in the past, they suggest, must have been much more pronounced. Solar perturbations on the Moon's orbit induces large lunar inclination and powers angular momentum for the Earth-Moon system. They go on to claim they have a new tidal evolution model – accent on the word model.

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