The second post today is another dust up with consensus science. At… … India, according to Plate Tectonics theory gradually drifted away from Africa and Madagascar towards the NE and eventually collided with southern Asia after millions of years of riding the waves as an isolated island – completely cut off. One theory is that there were once lots of little islands between India and southern Asia and anomalous wildlife was able to hop between them (presumably on tree trunks riding on the waves). Evidence for such islands is of course absent but models don't do reality. This particular anomaly is even more limited as it involves an insect with limited flying capacity, namely those horrid little midges that form large groups and bite you to death right across Euroasia, from China to Britain, if you venture out into the woods on the wrong day. Palaeontologists in Germany have discovered tiny midges ensnared in Indian amber and they are very similar to midges in Germany and elsewhere, evolving when India was supposed to be an island and isolated from southern Asia (still moving very slowly NE and located somewhere in the Indian Ocean).
The prerequisite of an isolated slab of land is that species no longer exchange places with other regions. They develop in isolation (and New Zealand is a good example of the process). It so happens that midges have been preserved in tree resin and this shows India could not have been as isolated as imagined – and was probably attached to southern Asia for longer than Plate Tectonics allows. The midges have a conformity with midges from the Baltic to NE China but how did they spread to an isolated island? Is the mainstream view of the break up of Gondwanaland as simple and lengthy as currently projected in consensus theory?