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20 January 2017

At www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2017/01/18/drought-to-deluge/ … which was sent in by William Thompson. Stephen Smith explains that the discovery of solar wind erupting from the sun at around 700km per second came as somewhat of a surprised for mainstream gravity focussed cosmologist. Nowadays everyone takes it far granted – without a thought of contesting the issue. However, heat and radiation alone are not enough to explain how solar wind particles accelerate – but an electric field focussed on the sun may cause radical movement of charged particles. The greater the solar wind accelerates the stronger the field that sets it in motion.

The interplanetary electric field is however weak. During period of high activity the sun ejects charged particles via coronal mass ejections (which take around 24 hours to reach the earth). An indication they have arrived if provided by an intensification of the aurora at the poles.

Svensmark and Fris-Christensen (1997) came out with their missing link in solar-climate relationship, and their theory is that the greater number of high energy ions entering earth's magnetic field the greater will be cloud cover. This results in increased stream continuity – even perhaps in hurricanes and typhoons.

Smith then mentions, briefly, sun spots. There are alternative ideas on what might cause sun spots – and they don't necessarily involve electricity in space. One idea is that the planets exert a force on the sun, much like the moon causes tides on the earth. Invoking planets to explain sun spots is just as unwelcome to mainstream as the electric universe, so it might be worth taking a look at the subject. See for example https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2017/01/17/the-planets-have-control-of-s…

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