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23 February 2017
Climate change

At https://risk-monger.com/issues/agriculture/beegate/ … we have an exposure on the great bee catastrophe – colony collapse disorder amongst honey bee populations. It has long since been attributed to beekeepers taking too much honey and substituting sugar syrup solution but you would never think this if you relied on the media for your information. Environmentalists of the activist persuasion saw colony collapse disorder as an opportunity to throw a spike in the spokes of agriculture by claiming to be concerned about agriculture, and the lack of honey bees. I've never noticed a shortage of bees, from hives or in the wild, but you would expect a population decline as suburbia expands – and expands. No doubt there are less people inclined to keep hives nowadays as it involves time and dedication (and people have so many other things to do with their time). You can't look after bees in the virtual world. Hence, picking on bees as catastrophically in a nosedive and about to disappear was the perfect storm. Bees don't usually fly around offices and other places of work in what has become a largely service economy, and therefore people were able to connect with the idea bees were in genuine decline (and the colony collapse disorder was really happening in some locations). However, if you are a gardener or farmer you would have been aware that bees were still fairly common on the wing – especially if you grow something like Hollyhocks or Phacelia (flowers that attract hordes of them). The interesting part of the doom mongering was the shift of blame from greedy hive owners to CAGW (and climate alarmism in general). This in itself was a cue for a lot of people to look at the situation more closely and try and discover if hand waving was taking place to obfuscate the real situation. This is what attracted the blog author at the link above to investigate – and he was blocked from finding answers on many occasions but went on to uncover the dirty tricks that had pushed the bees full throttle as a victim of evil farmers using pesticides (even after most of them had been banned) or the climate warming up towards the world overheating and destroying all life. The only way to destroy life on earth is to reduce the amount of co2 available to flora and fauna as life is carbon based. It is quite an interesting story the blog author draws and illustrates just how easy it has been for activists to worm their way into important positions and encourage politicos to introduce legislation that is damaging. Once entombed on some quango or legislating body they can block genuine research – and with activists ensconsed in the media as well anything positive can be covered up and airbrushed out behind the public's back. It's all a bit like the way activists take over unions as anyone who has sat through endless boring union meetings will be aware. Lots of shouting and demonisation of anyone with a contrary view. Before the membership know it they have a nutter in charge and he is advocating strikes and upsetting the applecart. Then the management dig in and your annual pay rise has gone out of the window. If you look at climate activists like that you can't go wrong. They are deeply embedded in the EU bureaucracy and are there for one reason only – mischief making. They are responsible (with the more gullible of the civil servants) for some of the ludicrous legislation foisted on farmers and gardeners over the last couple of decades. Who knows what their ultimate aim is – the taxation of meat and animal products such as milk has been touted, so much so that only the rich metropolitan types (you know, the people who tell us what we should do but carry on doing what they want as they have lots of loot) may enjoy a steak dinner in the future.




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