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Danish labyrinth

23 February 2017

There has been a long tradition of antiquarians fascinated by prehistoric mazes, troy towns, and labyrinths, and this one follows in the same tradition. Archaeologists have basically found a concentric ring of palisades while digging trenches at a prehistoric enclosure – see http://sciencenordic.com/did-stone-age-people-build-large-labyrinth-denmark ….There are actually five rows of palisades (or fence posts) in the enclosure – but they would have only been a few metres in height and therefore did not obscure what was happening in the middle of the enclosure (assuming prehistoric Danes were not dwarfs). The idea of the labyrinth comes from the observation that the entrance through each of the palisade fences was slightly off set from each other – and was not a direct line of entrance. However, enclosing a space is a common theme in temples and religious structures of all kinds, and appears to be symbolic in nature. Isa it really a labyrinth?

At https://phys.org/print406917693.html … it seems that migrations from the Pontic steppes was male dominated (few women were involved we are told) whereas the early farmers migrating into eastern and central Europe includied large numbers of men and women and their genetic imprint differs (or dominates to a degree as it affects both male and female inheritence traits). Culturally, the Pontic migrations may have been more profound, but genetically only affects one of the lines of inheritance.

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