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Sun spots and flares

8 September 2017

At https://phys.org/print423925975.html … it seems the recent Near Earth Object that sailed within 4.4 million miles of the Earth in late August had two moons – or two objects in tow. Other NEOs are known to have moons – or closely orbiting smaller cosmic bodies. Are these in resonance with the large body and if so do they represent a greater threat?

William sent in the link to www.yahoo.com/news/massive-sunspots-solar-flares-sun-111955127.html   … which concerns the current spate of earth facing solar flares erupting from two large sunspots in early September (2017). Once again, the gist of the piece is that the big flares, or coronal mass ejections, affect communications systems on Earth – such as GPS systems and radio signals etc. It is otherwise known that the current flares are puny in comparison with the 19th century Carrington CME so one wonders why there is so much doom saying emanating from the science lobby – journalese or otherwise. In a talk at the 2017 EU conference Gerald Pollack continued his theories on water. He seems to be saying that ionisation in the upper atmosphere affects water droplets (and presumably water vapour) giving it electrical properties and this in turn can affect weather on Earth (at the surface) via cloud formation, rainfall, and storms. We already know that the solar wind can cause changes in the track of the jet streams (and therefore wind systems) and yet mainstream is obsessed with communications systems (which cost dollars in investment rather than dollars in spoilt crops). The Met Office openly admit they cannot predict changes in the jet stream – or how this might affect the weather. If the jet stream moves over the next few days will it bring lots of rain to some areas and a warm mid September to others?

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