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White Cuterthun

22 January 2018

Current Archaeology 335 (January 2018) has a small piece on a massive hill fort at White Cuterthun on the periphery of the Grampian Mountains in the eastern Highlands of Scotland. Go to www.topofly.com where there is a video of an aerial excursion over the site.

Ness of Brodgar. This also features in the same issue of Current Archaeology page 20 where even after several years of excavations very little of the site has actually been unearthed. Geophys continues to reveal more features for the coming season's digging. It is surprisingly a deeply stratified site with multi phase occupation. At its zenith, around 3100BC, the Ness was dominated by free standing buildings enclosed by a massive stone outer wall. It was much more than a domestic settlement site and appears to have been a gathering place of some kind attracting people from all over the Orkneys and probably from further afield (on the mainland). The site was special for some unknown reason. It was also subject to periodic popularity and phases of non-activity – much like Stonehenge in the south of Britain.

For further information go to www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk

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