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8 February 2018

It seems that when the Sun is more active than normal, with lots of flares, some of which are directly aimed at the Eaarth, the ozone hole over the poles appears (as ozone is dispersed to temperate and tropical areas of the Earth (the atmosphere overlying these regions). The zone hole was particularly a focus of interest in the 1990s and early 2000s. It was back to a degree in the middle of the current solar cycle (or solar maximum as it is known). It was not anything like the hole that opened in the 1990s (and its closing up after the excessive sun spot activity) was treated with glee by the environmentalist propagandists as evidence that the banning of CFCs had done the trick. This flew in the face of the fact it was only in the virtue signalling West that CFCs were seen as a problem. The Chinese used the scheme to make a lot of money – and other countries carried on using CFCs in their refrigerators. I suppose it is all to wear a halo among their supporters – who didn't actually check up on the facts or literature. Anyway, the current solar cycle is quiet in relation to solar cycles in the 1990s – especially as we approach the end (the so called solar minima). The hole has actually disappeared over the poles – and the crowing might continue you would expect, but no … ozone depletion over equatorial regions has been declared a disaster – didn't banning CFCs work then? The ozone seems to have returned over the poles and left less ozone over the tropical and temperature zones – a smoothing out process. This illustrates quite well the process of ozone depletion over the poles and ozone gain over the tropics – and now we have the reverse, plenty of ozone over the poles as it has replenished itself from where it had escaped in the first instance. However, the bad news is that the doom sayers are poking at the ashes and embers and trying to stoke up a renewed ozone scare – see https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/02/07/more-about-ozone-at-lower-latitud… … which is a case of, well I never. Who are the dupes?

The comments are also interesting – but you have to wade through a lot that aren't. Some sceptics big up the subject of the forthcoming solar cycle – will it be even quieter than the present one. Some of them appear to be wishing for a new Maunder Minimum type of event. That would affect global food supplies so one should not wish for something like that. Thankfully, solar physicist Lief Svalgard is able to forecast the next solar cycle will be a trifle more active than the present one. The more important point, not mentioned in this post, is that La Nina appears to becoming more common than El Nino.

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