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Red Star

22 March 2018

William sent in the link https://phys.org/print440830205.html … evidence that a red star disturbed the prehistoric solar system is the premise of a paper in Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (March 2018). It is somewhat like the Rupert Holms Star Core Zeus hypothesis (he is giving a talk at the 2018 SIS AGM and speaker meeting in April) but in this instance, rather than a remnant fragment of a supernova we have a dim red star (which is also binary with a brown dwarf) that brushed our solar system – back in the day. Apparently, they date the event to around 70,000 years ago – most famously around the time of the Toba super volcano (which does not appear to have as super as proposed). The small red star approached our solar system and disturbed the orbits of comets and asteroids thought to exist in the Oort Cloud. Astronomers from Cambridge and Madrid claim to have 'verified' the movements of these objects – tracing them back 70,000 years ago. Scholz's Star approached our solar system from 20 light years away. The original discovery was made in 2015 by astronomers from the University of Rochester in the US. It was published in Astrophysical Journal Letters – but the new research has analysed the orbits of 340 asteroids and comets with V-shaped rather than elliptical orbits. They have concluded some of them were influenced by Scholz's star. It did not disturb all of them – only those nearby at the time.

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