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Fearful Vikings

11 January 2020

At www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7868431/ … we have a rather misleading header – 'mysterious Viking inscription reveals they feared climate change'. As most of modern climate  change is non-existent and in any case involves warming which is not a problem to most people, especially those living in northern Europe, it kind of trivialises what has been revealed. The inscription belongs to a period of time when real climate change was happening – the 6th century AD (otherwise known as the post Roman Little Ice Age). The inscription shines a light on what it meant for farming folk living in Sandinavia. A series of very cold summers could drive Scandinavians and northern European peoples to migrate southwards in search of some warmth  (and food). This happened on several historical occasions – and always associated with cold weather in summer. In the 6th century this involved two closely spaced volcanic eruptions – in 536 and 541, creating a decade of cool summers (and for some reason causing a long period of cold and wet winters in the aftermath). It was a global event and underscored folk movements in various  parts of the world. In other words, nothing like modern climate change (which is always threatened but never materialises).

The Rok Stone is dated to the 6th century and records the death of a child as a result of the cold weather and the fear of the parents that other children, or themselves, would perish shortly. It is a testimony that should be a wake up call to the climate evangelists that global warming is something not to be feared but global cooling is everything to fear.


Robert also sent in the following link – www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7868875/ … which seems to be another story about the Hum (or hummadruz). However, digging into the article it is a different sort of Hum and began as recently as 2018 – at diverse locations. The claim is that a hum, detected around the world, can be traced  back  to a magma filled reservoir deep under the Indian Ocean. The hum was detected by earth scientists – not by long haired folk in Yorkshire or Wales. In addition, German researchers claim the signals were generated by the movement of magma as a new underwater volcano was born between Madagascar and Mozambique. It is in effect a seismic 'hum' which may provide a clue to other humming phenomena

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