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Fire Walkers

5 February 2020

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-firewalkers-of-k… … the Karoo Basin of southern Africa has massive deposits of ignaeous rocks, left behind by basalt flows dated Early Jurassic. It coincided with a mass extinction event and left behind dinosaur footprints preserved in a sandstone layer. Trackways have been uncovered – of beasts in flight. Some five separate animals made the tracks – of various size and species. Presumably the sand was enveloped by the magma.

At https://phys.org/news/2020-02-primitive-turtle-resisted-mass-extinction…. … we may have a story distorted by the fact sedimentary layers around the K/T boundary are generally interpreted as being laid down gradually, even slowly, rather than quickly and overwhelmingly. We are told that a primitive land turtle, or tortoise, just 60cm in length, managed to survive the catastrophic event, and was not killed off like the dinosaurs. It seems to have lived well away from the impact crater – but it would not have escaped the global meltdown (if that is what happened). One species, in the northern hemisphere, survived. Many others did not. Apparently, the survival is said to be a mystery. Whatever the situation it is clear that turtles and related land species very quickly adapted to a new world (following the asteroid strike) and went on to fill new niches in the environment. A period of rapid evolution took advantage of the new landscape.


Note … if the basalt outpouring in the Karoo Basin is anything like the Deccan Traps at K/T and then we should be looking at an impact crater on the opposite side of the world from southern Africa.

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