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Pottery Origins

5 February 2020

This concerns the origin of pottery in East Asia rather than pottery in other parts of the world – which may or may not have a connection. At https://phys.org/news/2020-02-hot-pots-ancient-siberian-hunters.html … it seems that Siberian hunters had heat resistant containers, an early kind of pottery, to cook their food – during the last Ice Age. The pottery has preserved tell tale evidence of hot pots, vegetables and meat, including animal fat and bone marrow. The pottery has been found along the Amur River in Russian Siberia (NE Asia), dating between 16,000 and 12,000 years ago (basically between the end of the Late Glacial Maximum and the Younger Dryas period). This period of time was warm – before the temperatures plummeted in the Younger Dryas. It coincides with pottery in Japan at the same time (13,000 years ago or earlier) designated as Early Jomon. The Ainu people of Japan are thought to be descended from the Jomon people – if not one and the same. Pottery from the Osipovka Culture (also on the Amur River) had been used to process fish – possibly migrating salmon.

The link ends by saying that huge parts of Siberia were abandoned by humans during the Late Glacial Maximum (prior to 16,000 years ago). Are they assuming this as the region is hardly open to archaeological investigation, being permafrost.

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2020/01/iron-age-warrior-bur… …an Iron Age warrior burial unearthed in West Sussex. Possibly the burial of a local elite and not necessarily a warrior as such, as the discovery of a sword and scabbard made of a copper alloy are the main props to the story. The site, near Chichester, may hazard a connection with the Atrebates, recorded by the Romans and later the beneficiaries of Roman largesse. The grave is dated to the first century BC (with the proviso it may overlap into the first century AD, prior to the arrival of the Romans). The Chichester area is more famous for the Roman period Fishbourne Palace.

At https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2020/01/shocking-truth-behin… … Takabuti, an Egyptian mummy on display in the Ulster Museum. met a violent end. She was knifed. In addition, DNA samples seem to show she was akin to Europeans rather than modern Egyptians. She lived around 2600 years ago.

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