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El Nino inside Coral

1 April 2020

At https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/03/27/coral-tells-own-tale-about-el-nio… … ancient corals in the Pacific have been found to be a record of past water temperature – and the comings and goings of El Nino events. The record, at the moment, goes back a thousand years – see https://science.sciencemag.org/lookup/doi/10.1126/science.aax2000 ….

At www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2879116/ … super typhon Haiyan hurled a boulder bigger than a blue whale up on to the beach when it hit the Phillippines at 195mph back in 2013. It was so powerful it propelled the boulder, which weighed as much as 26 adult elephants, 150 feet – from one resting place to the next. It also killed more than 6000 people …


At https://electroverse.net/late-holocene-solar-driven-global-warming-and-a… … geological and archaeological sea level change shows that between 100BC  and 700AD there were two sea level falls of 2m sepoarated by a 3m sea level rise that reached .5m above modern sea levels. Coins, pottery and tree ring data from southern England were used. Seems like Steve Mitchell's sea level changes have been verified once again. The difference is that whereas Mitchell confined himself to England, Scotland and Wales the Electroverse are saying it was a global phenomenon – affecting Europe, Australia, the US, and te Pacific. Only glacio eustasy cn explain what seems to be a Fairbridge oscillation. Electroverse says glacio isostatic models cannot explain it. The Fairbridge high stands, repudiated some time ago, that he located through the Holocene, correlate quite well with global warmth peaks (using proxy data) and solar grand maxima (cosmogenic isotopes in tree rings and ice cores). The transgression event coincided with a stronger warming (the so called Roman Warm Period) and a grand maxima that occurred 275-345AD. Electroverse adds that this appears to support Henrik Svenmark's theory of increasing solar magnetic output reducing cloudiness (the hypothesis climate scientists like to ignore). In turn the lack of cloudiness allowed an increase in solar warming of the ocean surface which in turn reflected more warmth into the atmosphere. There is a 100 year time lag he adds – which may ignore the fact the Roman Warm Period (initial phase) was over by 250AD, and the following phase was not as warm (certainly not in northern Europe). Basil Cracknell said the warming was responsible for the sea level rise – which started to occur as early as 150AD – and progressed in step changes until we had the situation where rivers rose and coast lines were submerged in the 4th to 6th centuries. He then goes on to say that if a Faribridge oscillation is in place and there is a 100 year time lag and then sea levels will rise dramatically by 2100AD (as a result of global warming in the 1990s and 2000s). The bad news is that climate change hysteria is not going to go away and the good news is that it might reintroduce Rhodes Fairbridge to young scientists.

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