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Storegga Tsunami Wave

17 July 2020

The final one of four sent in by Gary, William and Robert – see for example www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8529237/ … the claim is that new evidence has been found of a massive tsunami that drowned the southern basin of the North Sea (known as Doggerland). It followed the Storegga collapse off the coast of Norway. It has been given the title of the Storegga Slide event. An area of sea bed the size of Scotland, including a lot of sediment on the sea floor, shifted abruptly and slid into a trench system that runs down the spine of the North Sea basin, wider at the northern end. Geologists now say three separate waves tore across the land bridge connecting East Anglia and the Fens to the Low Countires. Evidence of the event has been found by marine archaeologists currently investigating Doggerland. Stones and broken shells just off the coast of Lincolnshire are some of the evidence encountered, thrown up by the tsunami wave. It also involved a marine trough, the Outer Dowsing Deep, presumably scoured out by the tsunami wave. There is a video at the link which purports to show what happened. Modelling is involved in the study. However, one might also say the problem still remains. If there had been a massive tsunami that drowned Doggerland why didn't the water retreat afterwards. Why did the North Sea remain in place, covering Doggerland? It is no good saying that sea levels had been rising since the end of the Ice Age as the end of the Late Global Maximum occurred ten thousand years prior to Storegga. The clue is in the date, 6200BC. This coincies with the flooding of the Solent and various other locations around the southern and western coasts of Britain, and the drowing of Sunda Land (leaving behind the islands of Indonesia). Something happened at 6200BC that remains unexplained and the Storegga Slide was part and parcel of that something.

 However, looking at these images we can see that there has been a shift. Until this piece of research, the whole of the southern basin of the North Sea was regarded as Doggerland and dry land until 8200 years ago. Now, it seems, they have altered the picture, and just a tiny bit of Doggerland was dry land at the time. This is presumably because they are using the gradual line of sea level change from the end of the Ice Age, a straight line upwards, rather than the previous situation where sea levels jumped. Presumably the geologists did not like the idea of a rapid drowning. Why one bit of land was dry and not the rest of it is a mystery, but the researchers are only looking at the bottom of the sea off Lincolnshire. Modelling does the rest, combining the sea level graph with the Storegga infomation. It does pose an interesting dilemma as they have to eventually combine this with Dutch research. Having said that even if sea levels rose incrementally over time (where all the ice melt would come  from is still a mystery) the Storegga event is still positioned at a point in time coinciding with anomalies in other parts of the world. 


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