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Pulsars emitting gamma rays

24 April 2021

At https://phys.org/news/2021-04-ultra-high-energy-gamma-rays-pulsar-nebula… … ultra high energy gamma rays originate from pulsar nebulae – as published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters – see https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/abf4dc … it seems another consensus idea bites the dust. It has now been established that nebulae surrounding the most powerful pulsars are pumping out ultra high energy gamma rays. Pulsars appear to rapidly rotate, are highly magnetised, and are considered to be collapsed stars surrounded by nebulae powered by winds inside the pulsars. Los Alamos laboratory was involved.

NASAs Parker Solar Probe mission has beamed back to earth a nice look at the orbital dust ring that circulates around the Sun, along the orbit of Venus. Gary sent in this link as it involved the planet Venus, or its vicinity. Go to www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2021/nasa-s-parker-solar-probe-sees-venus-o… … the probe is designed to study the solar wind but is picking up images of the band of dust as well. Space is teaming with dust and the light reflected from it creates the zodiacal light, seen from earth as a faint shining ring just above the horizon. Some of this originates from comets that circle the sun and throw off material as they flare.

And over at https://phys.org/news/2021-04-humungous-flare-sun-nearest-neighbor.html …. a humungous flare is seen emitted from the sun of one of our nearest neighbouring solar systems. Proxima Centauri hosts at least two planets and is classified as a red dwarf. However, in spite of being dim, as far as stars go, and smaller than our sun, it has emitted a flare , or burst of radiation, that is extensively violent and powerful. The star went from its normal dim self to 14,000 times brighter in a short space of time. Seems like another space object not conforming to mainstream thinking.

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