Rhodes Fairbridge, a prolific science author in his day, noted that DG King-Hele had in the 1960s, point out a pattern of solar planetary behaviour, a cyclic process referring to the return alignments of Jupiter, and the centre of the sun. This was the centre of gravity in the solar system – the barycentre. Some of King-Hele's conclusions included no longer used ephemeris data but the basic pattern can still be seen today. Fairbridge, of course, went on to develop ideas on the barycentre, research that seems not very attractive to mainstream. However, Tall Bloke and Oldbrew quite like the cycles it produces – see https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2022/01/21/oldbrew-tallbloke-jupiters-da… … and the big question they ask – does it effect climate on earth?
Jupiter’s Dance
26 January 2022Astronomy