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Hunga Tonga Explosion

2 July 2022

The explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga submarine volcano in January 2022 was usual in that it involved shooting a large amount of seawater into the atmosphere. It is described as unparallelled in the modern world. Rather, as far as modern science might be concerned. Corwin Wright of the University of Bath is the lead author of an article in the journal Nature. He claims it was unique in what has been observed by scientists. For example, atmospheric waves going around the world at high speed. These were driven by seawater that was propelled into the atmosphere by the force of the explosive eruption. The seawater was vapourised in the process. See https://phys.org/news/2022-06-tonga-volcano-eruption-powerful-triggering.html … … and co-author, S Osprey, added, the atmospheric waves may even affect the ozone hole, widening it this autumn, or winter. Precisely what the mechanism for that might be is not discussed. I was under the impression the ozone hole was opened by solar activity. Big sun spots and solar wind breaching the magnetosphere. Then, over the following few years, the hole is gradually filled up again as the dispersed ozone gradually drifts back over the poles. Mind you, the eco activists still think banning fridge gas closed the ozone hole.

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