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A Puzzling Dilemma

31 July 2023
Catastrophism, Electric Universe, Geology

At https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2023/07/24/grose-valley-australia-2/ … Garry Maxfield poses a problem that appears to represent a puzzle for mainstream geologists. It depends of course on how far you are persuaded by orthodox theory. Mount Banks and the Grose Valley in Australia are the region in question. In conventional geo speak it is assumed valleys are cut by wind and rain, or by tectonic forces of one kind or another. Maxfield does not think that applies in all instances. For instance, in the Lake District in the UK glacial advance and decay, and overburdened water courses, are a reasonable explanation. In the Thames Valley we have a series of terrace steps going up from the present depth of the river. That obviously represents periods when the river was aligned with the terraces and is the clearest evidence we might find that Ice Ages did occur – or something very much like them. I can’t think of anyone that has tried to blame it on plasma – but you never know. The Grose valley appears to be quite different – if Maxfield is describing it correctly, and then plasma might have played a role.

Most of us just accept the storyline and pass on by when it comes to things like rivers cutting out channels through rocky locations. Maxfield says that if we were to pause for a while and ponder such things we might  consider them differently. Presumably, this is what occurred to Maxfield – leading to doubt on the geological one theory solves all puzzles. The valley has a 3 way intersection, novel enough. Each arm of the valley is identical in shape – with straight sided valley walls. Nothing like terraces or V shaped river beds. Or even U shaped river beds. Water to cut the valley arms had to come from somewhere – and must have been going somewhere, too. Water follows the slope of the land but the Grose valley is cut into a sandstone plateau. It is flat. Or reasonably flat. Water can also trickle through cracks and fissures – but must always move downwards towards a river, lake, or ocean. The idea of water on the top of a plateau having the ability to carve a channel into hard rock is difficult to imagine, according to Maxfield. Water does not cut a valley of its own volition. Water follows what is already there, moving ever downwards in its path to the sea. It does not go up, for example.

Also, there are numerous fulgarites protruding out of the sandstone outcrops. Mount Banks has lost 30 per cent of its mass in the creation of the Grose valley It should have been converted to gravels and sediments – which are nowhere to be seen. In fact, the valley complex becomes narrow as you proceed further and further. The sediment and gravel would have blocked the end of the arms – but it did not. Where did it go and why can’t we pinpoint it? Nearby is the Wollengamble crater – and a conical hill. The author claims the valley was cut by a plasma discharge. These are currently not part of mainstream geological thinking.  It does look like he might be on the right track.

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