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Electric Wasps and Caterpillars

22 May 2024
Biology, Electric Universe, Electromagnetism

At https://phys.org/news/2024-05-biologists-caterpillars-electrostatic-fields-generated.html …. note … this is electrostatic rather than electromagnetic, and is caused by friction. The researchers sought out electrostatic rather than electricity itself. Biologists at Bristol University have found that at least 3 types of caterpillar are capable of sensing and responding to an electrostatic field generated by predators – such as wasps. Some 200 caterpillars took part in the research, conducted over 2 years. They were all tested for their response to an electrostatic field. Prior research seemed to show many animals emit an electrostatic charge as they move around. Flies, bees, spiders, and wasps are all able to sense them. In the case of caterpillars they sense the electrostatic fields of hungry predators. Wasps produce an electrostatic field as they beat their wings.

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