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Dating with Miyake Events

23 May 2024
Archaeology, Dating

Interesting develoopment. When it was realised that high spikes of radiation into the atmosphere was not as uncommon as thought it was suggested the bigger so called Miyake Events could be used for tying down archaeological dates. Note, this would continue to include the calibration and therefore the embedded  HallStatt plateau within the dating graph. There is no reason to think there are anymore problems with dating and this new method of using Miyake events allows a more exact  date to be achieved – and this is what archaeologists require. At https://phys.org/news/2024-05-succeed-accurately-dating-year-prehistoric.html … or go the whole  hog and read the actual research paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48402-1 …. Early farmers  entered the Balkans, including northern Greece, shortly after the 6200BC event. A Miyake Event occurred in 5259BC = a sudden spike of cosmogenic radiation. It has been used to reliably date the settlement between 5328 and 5140BC. Preesumably, its life time. Just under 200 years.

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