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18 July 2024

Gary sent in a link to https://www.iflscience.com/woolly-mammoth-skin-freeze-dried-for-52000-years-delivers-first-ever-3d-chromosome-75043 … a woolly mammoth found in NE Siberia was freeze dried 52,000 years ago which has preserved its chromosome. Its skin cells to be more exact. We are told it was freeze dried as a result of the weather.

Over at https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/venus-of-brassempouy-the-23000-year-old-ivory-carving-found-in-the-popes-grotto … We are told the palm sized carving depicts a Neolithic woman wearing an ornate head piece. However, it transpires it is dated 23,000 years  ago – long before the Neolithic. The Popes Cave, or grotto in French – Grotto du Pape, is in Brassenpouy, a small village in France. The carving was found as long ago as 1894. It is also k nown as the Lady of the Hood and measures just 1.4 inches, or 3.5 cm. It dates to the Upper Palaeolithic period. In this instance, contemporary with the Late Glacial Maximum. It was probably once attached to a body, or a stick, which was never found.

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