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24 July 2024

William sent in the link, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/thought-lost-in-ww2-records-discovery-reveals-secrets-of-ancient-people/ar-AA1mD1Zx… a researcher has uncovered by accident a set of historical records thought lost during a bombing raid in WWII. They are a record of excavations in Lower Nubia conducted in the early 20th century, between 1907 and 1911. Nubia was located in the Nile Valley below Egypt. Nubia as a whole extended into what is now Sudan but included a large chunk of what is now Egypt. Over the millennia various cultures and kingdoms emerged and disappeared in the region. This included the Iron Age Kingdom of Kush. The excavations targeted cemeteries and around 20,000 graves were investigated, producing 7000 bodies. The earliest graves belong to the pre-Dynastic period [prior to the 3200BC event] and the later graves come from the Christian period, AD500-110. It was eventually overwhelmed by Islamic armies after holding out for centuries. The link does not provide much detail on what is in the records but that will, I suppose, keep historians and archaeological researchers busy for a few years.

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