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The Sun is at it again

10 August 2024
Astronomy, Climate change

Geomagnetic storms are expected between the 10th and 12th of August, from saturday until monday – over 3 nights. This is in response to a series of CMEs now heading earthwards. NOAA are predicting multiple impacts – in quick succession. Mid latitude auroras are possible – see https://spaceweather.com … and https://www.space.com … and various other web sites.

Space Werather adds – farside sun spot cover might be even higher and when it rotates earthside we may have another burst of CMEs. The Sun just hit its highest sunspot numbers in more than 20 years. Read that last bit again – sunspot numbers were higher in the early 2000s. At the very start of the global warming alarmism. It is no accident that the early 2000s kicked off the global warming hype and we can expect a surge of alarmist feeding off the latest CME barrage. Yet, climate scientists maintain the Sun doesn’t play a role in global warming. It is a constant – or flat line.

We might  ask – can they keep up the pretence this time round, blaming it on c02. They managed it after the big CME that produced  auroras down as far as the Caribbean, a few weeks ago. We have a nice bout of weather at the moment – courtesy of the Sun. Looks like its going to be a nice bout of weather in late August and September. An Indian Summer as they used to say.

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