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Water on Mars

14 August 2024
Astronomy, Geology

At https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/08/240812160244.htm … earthquakes and meteor impacts on Mars generate seismic waves that are used to map the planet’s interior.  The same thing is done on Earth. In this instance, a new study purports to show a zone of pores and fractures on Mars that are filled with liquid water. Actually, it is only a possibility – but an intriguing discovery if true. It has been hyped as a large reservoir of water – enough to fill former oceans at the surface.  See https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2409983121 … for the full study. Scientists employed a mathematical model of rock physics, identical to models used on Earth to map underground aquifers and oil fields etc. They conclude the data is best explained by a deep layer of fractured rock saturated with water.

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