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Black Hole Jets

22 September 2024
Astronomy, cosmology

At https://phys.org/news/2024-09-astronomers-biggest-black-hole-jets.html …. as well as numerous other science blogs such as https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/09/240918125024.html … the appearance of jets emanating from the centre of galaxies is  thought to be due to a black hole situated in such a location – in the heart of galaxies. This is a standard assumption in cosmology. Well, at these links we are told the black hole is blasting out hot plasma well beyond the host galaxy. It seems to ape solar flares but on a galaxy scale. In fact, the jet spanned 23 million light years in total length. That is a lot of plasma.

It has been given the nickname, Porphyrian, after a Greek giant of myth. It also seems as if the Electric Universe theory, in some respects, is coming to life. Not all of it of course – but the bare essentials. For a preview of this you might  like to get hold of a copy of Don Scott’s book on the subject from the book sales page on this web site.

This is just one of many flares that have been seen pouring out of the centre of galaxies – and assumed to have an origin in black holes, a hypothetical concept. This one was discovered by Europe’s LUFAR radio telescope. ‘Giant jets were known from before we started [our research]’ Martin Hardcastle said, ‘but we had no idea that there would turn out to be so many’ and yes, LUFAR has discovered 10,000 ot them. They have also been looking at the cosmic web of wispy filaments that crisscrosses the space between galaxies. The giant flare was first spotted and to locate  where it came from they made use of the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in India and the Keck Observatory on Hawaii. See also https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202348897 … and it can be found on the arXiv server at https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2405.00232

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