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Interstellar Visitor

14 December 2024
Astronomy, cosmology

William sent in a link to …. a new theory on how the planets arranged themselves in the current configuration. See also … It is assumed the planets originally orbited in different locations and therefore something must have occurred to get them where they are now. Astronomers, we are told, accept that planetary orbits have evolved and changed since the formation of the solar system. Migrating planets are the consensus opinion. Possibly as a result of the idea their orbits have a shelf life. In this instance, we have a new theory on what might have moved the planetary orbits. It seems the appearance of Oumuamua, back in 207,  travelling through the solar system and out the other side, has led to a rethink – and the possibility of a more exotic explanation. The new research looks at a rogue space rock as being responsible. It may even have been captured. See … to see the argument.

Then we have a revisit to the snowball earth hyothesis – which came to an end with a huge rise in sea levels, it is thought. See … and obviously, the conclusion is that the melting of the ice  caused the rise in sea levels. This is the consensus explanation for sea level change – in the past and in the future. In this instance the proof is in rocks in Africa, where tidal marks seem to show a steep rise. However, what was the vector for the melting of snowball earth, and was the planet really covered in ice or is this an explanation for ice in central Africa. It is certainly not on the agenda to visualise, at this point in time, a movement of the poles, as they were then, back in very ancient days. That would of course open a can of worms and is studiously avoided in the research limits. Rising sea levels can have an alternative explanation. The oceans of the world readjusting to a new geoid. Only in a catastrophist mind can that be entertained.