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Venus, Hot

14 December 2024

At https://www.livescience.com/space/planets/did-venus-ever-have-oceans-to-support-life-or-was-it-born-hot … scientists have recently poured cold water on the idea Venus may once have supported life. It is a virtual hell-scape – highly volcanic. Now, research suggests it has always been like that. This seems to contradict the idea Venus suffered from the consequences of runaway global warming, a theory that was later fed into the alarmism currently being pumped out by zealots at the moment. It seems that back in the 1970s the idea of co2 fanning the flames of an ever hotter Venus sowed some seeds that have proved to be detrimental to modern inhabitants of the earth – including the latest nonsense about cows farting and creating a methane bomb. What they don’t tell you is, it is only cows kept in sheds for life, that emit excess methane. Cows in pasture are no problem at all. Yet, the alarmists want to ban both the intensely farmed indoor cows and those living a natural life munching on grass and herbs in fields. Hence, this new line of research is somewhat interesting as the other theory that the planet was always hot is also derived from climate models. What could go wrong with that?

In the scenario that Venus gradually became hotter, and hotter, co2 is given a primary role – even though it has never been proved that co2 creates a warmer world. In the new theory Venus has always been hot and hellish. Velikovskians, a dying breed, can hardly get excited when told that climate models are the backbone of the hotter Venus past. Or can they?

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