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Profile of a natural disaster in ancient sanskrit literature

23 February 2025
Ancient history, Catastrophism

This was written by RNIyengar a professor of civil engineering in Bangalore. It seems to describe not just an additional Sun that was visible coming from the general vicinity in the sky of the Pleiades, and appears to have come close to earth on at least one occasion. Obviously, the Pleiades are a long way away and if this was a comet, for example, it would have become visible at some point in front of the Pleiades. It also provides us with a reason why the seven stars of the Pleiades played an important role in myth around the world, in almost every region. Was this a reference to the appearance of Comet Halley when it was a very large comet – or was it the projenitor of the Taurus meteor stream complex?

It can be read at two locations. The first was put on the web by Bob Kobres, who died some time ago. The second link is the Academia web site. They have lots of stuff and if you express an interest in this study you will probably end up with loads of links to other research papers on the same general theme – so beware. It is also on the Research Gate web site which you can sign up to for free.

See www.defendgaia.org/bobk/maha/skandapuranadisaster.pdf